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$494.99 Glock 19 Gen 5
Taurus - They’ve had a bad reputation (for good reason), but their recent models (G2x, G3x, GX4, and TX22) are supposed to be good, especially for the price. Do your own research.
$237.66 GX4 Micro Compact 9mm - Micro compacts in 9mm can be pretty hard to shoot, fyi.
$299.99 - S&W M&P Shield 2.0
$399.99 Glock 17 Gen4 Police trade-in
PSA Dagger (Glock Clone) - There’s usually models available for these prices-- around $300 for base gun, a bit more for different sizes and features (optics cuts and threaded barrel, for example), as well as kits with extra mags and/or cases.
$369.99 with range bag and 10 mags
$409.99 Full size with optics cuts, threaded barrel, 10 mags, and range bag
$408 Steyr M9-A2
I don’t know anything about this handgun, so I linked the discussion thread. Most of the comments seem positive.