May Alan Greenspan also be killed in a duel
Miranda really leans hard on Hamilton’s early life and just kinda breezes over the back end of it. I definitely get why a young migrant social climber from the Caribbean would resonate with Miranda. And given how hard conservatives jerk off to Thomas Jefferson, I see some reflexive appeal in liberals rallying around Jefferson’s historical nemesis.
As propaganda, “Hamilton” is excellent. It has become a beautiful reimagining of the nation’s tortured and shameful history, with a mix of romance and gallantry and tragedy that would fit neatly in any Western Fairy Tale. Blackwashing the cast while our first black president puts an ethnic face on historically white imperialism really captured the national moment. Galvenizing support for the Original Bankster in the wake of the '08 Financial Crisis wins Miranda immense favor among modern day capitalists. Jerking New Yorkers off with a Broadway musical was… :chefs-kiss: Really playing to your audience.
slaps the hood of the play You can fit so much fucking revisionism in this bad boy.
That, plus good acting and catchy music and enormous amounts of advertising make it an easy sell to an audience of liberals looking for something to cheer about. It fits neatly into the orthodox education of America’s Founding Fathers, hooks you with a name you know but aren’t exhaustively familiar with, and then sells you down the river on heavily romanticized drama.
If you’re looking for neoliberal agitprop, you’re going to be hard pressed to locate anything finer.