It would help if you talked to me like I’m dumb.
I might lose a male friend because they could be getting romantically attached to me after I talked to them just like they’re a girl.
I grew up around mostly girls and women to the point I don’t fully get why I can’t tell guy friends I love them. I kept telling one “I love ya dude!” To me, that sounds the same as “I love you as a friend!”
I thought spelling “you” as “ya” and adding the word “dude” firmly said “you’re in the friend-zone.” But no.
This is easily not the only example of where I fucked up, but I won’t know unless it’s pointed out to me and explained.
I’m furious that I live in a society :amerikkka: where I can’t just tell guy friends that I love them.
My experience with the women play-hitting on each other thing has been a sort of counter to how shitty we all were to each other because of petty jealousy as teens. Might be I’m just bad at reading when women are actually hitting on me, but when I do it’s that’s my intent. I’ve got no problem telling a friend when they look especially cute.