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Banning cigarettes is good but decriminalizing and regulating the use of hard drugs is good? I thought providing ways of kicking an addiction is better than an outright ban on a substance which history shows doesn’t work.
Decriminalizing and regulating the use of hard drugs is not the same thing as allowing them to be sold in every gas station and corner store. They’re not sending people to prison for smoking a pack. They’re phasing out the commercial distribution of a purely harmful commodity.
I mean I don’t agree with full legalisation of hard drugs, and I don’t agree with banning cigarettes.
Decriminalization of hard drugs from the user’s side sure, can’t punish the people addicted to or consuming drugs, but it should never be legal to sell cocaine or nyaope in some dispensary or liquor store. That’s just an :ancap-good: line of thinking.
While public smoking indoors should not be allowed because of second hand smoke, giving smokers a criminal record for lighting up privately is also wrong. Again, punishing users is wrong from my point of view.
I also think it’s because culturally cigarettes are viewed very differently in various countries and social circles. In some, it’s just like having a drink, little to no social stigma. In others, smoking a cig is the equivalent of being a heroin addict with how people judge smokers.
I think harm reduction centers like the places chuds were angry about a year ago is a good idea to get people off of drugs like heroin. I don’t believe in legally selling them as well.
Yeah not sure how cigarette smoking is viewed in New Zealand is but a quick Google search and a small percentage of them smoke so this is kinda unnecessary to punish the small amount of people who want to enjoy them privately.
Yeah harm reduction centres, so long as they’re focused on rehab, are the correct way to do things. Hell, even if it’s not focused on rehab, at least it prevents users from getting illnesses like HIV from used needles and is still an improvement.
I think the New Zealand ban is only for kids currently, but once these kids become adults in 2026, that is where I disagree with it. Banning adults from smoking is weird, considering adults can make all sorts of ill informed decisions anyways.
Even in public outdoor spaces you shouldn’t be expected to randomly dodge clouds of poison, if absolutely necessary there should be enforced isolated spaces to smoke in where at least other people will then only have to deal with the smoke stink on the clothes afterwards, and the only ones directly exposed will be those who opt in to smoke exposure.