cw: it is andrew tate he’s a human trafficker and i believe a pro domestic violence activist im not entirely clear
This guy is the current Jordan Peterson for disaffected male youths and he is so much worse than the old Jordan Peterson.
This is actually the most common reaction I get to showing people images of pogroms done by the Ukrainians against Russian speakers in the country, burning unionists in Odessa alive (and laughing at their charred bodies on social media), leaving children tied up in the cold with their pants down, or torturing POWs to death:
1.) I’ve seen gorier.
2.) These things just happen.
I remember falling into that pit of trying to numb myself to shit and having multiple sleepless nights after finding just the most awful shit possible as a teenager. In particular I found Encyclopedia Dramatica’s “offended” page to be the true test as to whether I was numb enough seeing how far down I could scroll before I had to give up. I never made it to the bottom, but I got desensitized to a lot of stuff in the process. Helps a little bit in healthcare to be able to look at gross wounds. There’s something inherently different about an image of a crime scene where someone’s been brutalized and an autopsy video where they’re providing educational information.
Still sometimes I have to remind myself that I don 't need to go looking for these images just because someone says they’re available on the internet.