Everyone who is anti choice and against gay marriage belongs in a re education camp
Much more useful to keep fearmongering about it without ever actually taking that step.
This is true to an extent, but you can only do the Charlie Brown football gag so many times before the base refuses to be fooled. This is essentially what happened to the Republican Party with Trump’s election. The Neocons may still be pulling the levers on “boring” foreign policy matters, but they have entirely lost the party to the tea party and qanon cranks. The Democrats have been more successful in smothering their populists, but they too will reach a breaking point.
You bring up a good point.
I do think that Trump’s base has shown a remarkable capacity for coming up with excuses for his failure, though. I could easily see them coming up with a new Q theory about how the deep state sickos and Crissey Teigen sabotaged his holy mission to save the babies, but if we just trust the plan then in 2024 blah blah blah
But you are right that even they must have a breaking point eventually, and it may be that even Trump can’t control them for much longer without providing some sort of victory.