This kind of news is starting to really remind me of trump circa 2017. Every headline is like: Trumps dumb decision is ruining the country. But guess what, nothing happened after 4 years of it. Country is still going, so shall twitter. Honestly, really wonder if these types of stories are even remotely true, or just something to placate us.
America is a 300 year old covenant between the bourgeoisie and the devil. Its decaying liberal institutions aren’t structural, and it stands as long as the blood keeps flowing. Twitter is a single 16 year old company that is now privately held. Computing technology allows some jobs to be automated to a degree, but there is a level of mismanagement and dysfunction that is unsustainable, and Musk, armed with the Californian Ideology of “disruption,” is insistent on overriding every failsafe in place. Dotcom companies love to go out of business. It’s their favorite thing to do. IBM is still around because it’s fundamentally a different type of tech firm. These elaborate ponzi schemes that produce nothing but lines of useless code are designed to fall apart onces the flesh has been scraped from the carcass. None of them will be around in 50 years, and they’ll have been replaced by something much worse.