not voting for trump but low key hope biden doesnt win so the material conditions of a failing America will be on full display
Revolutionary violence is all in self defence, because the people in power would rather kill you than let go of their power.
Then I would still like it to be the least violence possible, and only as a direct response, never as preventive measure or even as revenge.
Yeah gulags and mass executions are one thing when you’re a poor-ass undeveloped country trying to get out from under capitalism, but if such revolutionary activity were to happen in a developed country, there will certainly be some violence, but hopefully the massive prison system that exists in most of them could be retooled to serve the same purpose in a more humane manner than just shooting them and leaving them to rot (though there are some that deserve that fate for sure).
Supposedly gulag system at good times(i.e. not during WWII) had a better record than US prison system.