Aside from that post (which was mainly a user getting drunk and going off about bidets and toilet paper), when reading the other posts, I’m just wondering how people live to be quite honest. Do you all have work from home jobs? Do you all order essentials from supermarket though contactless delivery? Like I have health conditions that could make COVID infection a very bad thing, but I have to go out to work and buy food at the end of the day.
Amazon ect. Delivering everything to people is god awful unless you have mobility problems you shouldn’t be able to use imo. Horrible for the environment , horrible for workers, horrible social implications (at the root of the strug sesh) , creates and accelerates class problems encourages over consumption, over production, low staffing “just in time” business practices that’s driving workers to the brink. Certainly could have been a better response to c19 but seems like some have the expectation to be put up indefinitely. Not only does that seem very unreasonable and unrealistic especially given how shit our response was/is, it cant be done universally throughout society as the working poor will have to be exploited to serve who can bubble up.