Cousin tells me she wants to bring all her kids to China for a trip sometime in the future, especially since quarantine measures are dropped now. Her kids who were standing there, all in their 20s, all got a weird and uncomfortable look on their faces lol
That cousin’s husband told me that soon would be a good time to go “before it starts getting crazy there in 4 or 5 years”. I was too tired to pretend to be interested and inquire further on wtf he read in the news/internet and thought was gonna happen
That same guy was talking to another family member who immigrate here from China. She was saying some shit about how CPC’s public education brainwashes people because they don’t want people to know “the truth”. Then said that the US, Russian, and Chinese governments are all secretly banding together to control the world and prevent people from finding out “the truth”. I only overheard bits here and there but these two were talking about China for at least 2 hours. I wonder what other crazy shit she told him
Obviously, this was in a Western country
The ex-pat community rumor mills are really crazy. This isn’t unique to China. You see it out of Taiwan, Japan, Korea… everyone tends to look back at the Pacific Rim with a kind of disgust. Feels more like a selection bias than anything. Folks who picked up their entire lives and moved to a new continent are going to have their reasons.