not voting for trump but low key hope biden doesnt win so the material conditions of a failing America will be on full display
This is an active fuck you to people in the LGBT community and minorities and an incredibly privileged position. We are the ones who will suffer and be killed by an administration and judicial system run by trump for another 4 years. We are going to be the ones who will be denied care and refused business. I don’t want to suffer any more than I have to and I don’t want my brothers and sisters to suffer more either.
I’m gay and poor as fuck.
Another centrist neoliberal degenerate losing to Trump would prolong his failure for another 4 years, but surely logic dictates the average democratic voter wouldnt resort to ANOTHER centrist neoliberal degenerate to defeat whoever the next republican slimebag will be?
This is what I would say if I believed the average democratic voter actually gave a shit about anything but in reality nothing will ever change because poor people are disenfranchised and we will continue to settle for the “lesser” of two evils until finally our planet dies and we all live happily ever after.
edit: wishing it would get as bad for these people as it does for us is not really a privileged opinion and fuck anyone who actually tries to argue that shit.