American Psycho is excellent though, if someone walks out of that film thinking Bateman is a cool guy then there’s probably not much hope for them
Looking at the back and forth on this has me 100% convinced that it is not on the author to get across that it is satire at all because you can put fucking spotlights and sparklers on it and the director can freeze-frame it to explain exactly what is happening and that it is satirical and some people will still not fucking get it.
Case in point: contemporary reviews of Starship Troopers written by professional film critics
some people will still not fucking get it
At some level, its entirely deliberate. The “not getting it” folks fixate on the fantastic element of the film and deliberately neglect or ignore the consequences of indulgence in fantasy.
This isn’t an accident, its a conscious decision to propagandize certain angles of the film.
And it isn’t as though movies don’t exist that are even more explicit and bald faced and nakedly critical. But you’re not going to see a bunch of dude-bros :soypoint-1: over Revolutionary Road or Marriage Story.
Again, anything that doesn’t endorse their narrative is either derided or excluded in the conversation.