in the wake of COVID the ruling class has sacrificed 2 million people on the altar of capital, and the working class hasn’t even responded. not a peep. we’re talking about a historic event on par with what liberals think the hOlOdOmOr was, and it appears that nobody even gives a fuck. NOBODY CARES THAT 2 MILLION PEOPLE DIED! it sounds impossible but it’s true. if 2 million unnecessary deaths can’t even generate the seeds of a working class movement, let alone lead to an actual attempt to overthrow the ruling class, what will? how many bodies will be enough? a proletariat with even a scrap of self-respect would have cut people’s heads off over this.
the other half of the equation, of course, is how organized the working class is, and i don’t see much reason for optimism here either. workers in america generally hate each other, for some combination of ethnic/religious/sexuality reasons, and thanks to the internet (among other tools the bourgeoisie use to divide us), it looks like we’re going to become more atomized, more alone and more powerless, not less. if we were sufficiently organized, the 2 million dead bodies could have been had a galvanizing effect, but there is no working class movement to galvanize.
sorry for the rant i just wanted to get these thoughts out of my head before this weekend
Death to America