Japan is like if you combined 1950s white America with one of Ted’s nightmares :a-guy:
This map is totally fake, it says “according to Google search data”. Google searches are not a replacement for an actual poll. They’re literally worthless.
I think it’s somewhat accurate
Why would anybody Google "how to move to <X> if they’re not interested in moving to <X>?
Do they always google it in English? Did the person who made this consider other languages? Or other phrasings? Or how Google search stats are calculated? Or reasons why someone wouldn’t Google that? Or access to the internet based on location, class, etc? Or whether someone would even type that in if they knew they will never be able to leave where they’re at or never able to get a visa? I want to know if the Google searches from any given country are representative of the population, or if it’s the most labor aristocratic demographics of every country, people who are inculcated with western propaganda and want to be able to make more money by moving to a western country, for example.