I really want to play a Final Fantasy game at some point, but always seem to find something else play. Same thing goes for Dragon Quest games. I could ask everyone here which game from each series you recommend, but would I actually play it? Probably not. 😔
As for a single game I own, I will probably never play Disgaea 5. It’s been so long since I bought it.
I liked isometrics 20 years ago, because they felt like they were pushing what you could do in a video game setting. Now, they seem like the go-to budget solution for developers. Which is fine. But, like, you’re not getting an FF7Remake or a DQ11.
Its just a lot of very small text. I tend to play on my living room television, so everything is very small and far away. Back when my face was shoved up against a CRT screen, I got to appreciate the fine details. You get a lot of granular choices that don’t always have a meaningful impact on the direction of the game. The games are loooong. Easily 60-100 hours, if you’re a reflexive completionist like me.
It just feels like an enormous time commitment when free time is in short supply. Back in school, when I felt like I had hours to kill every day and days to kill every break, I chewed through shit like this.
Maybe I’ll get back into CRPGs when I retire.