I really want to play a Final Fantasy game at some point, but always seem to find something else play. Same thing goes for Dragon Quest games. I could ask everyone here which game from each series you recommend, but would I actually play it? Probably not. 😔
As for a single game I own, I will probably never play Disgaea 5. It’s been so long since I bought it.
Probably Final Fantasy 7. I’ve had the game on PS1 for decades now, the copy still works, and I’ve played it before, but I just couldn’t get into it.
Also, I recently determined that I’ll probably never bother to beat DMC1. I’m a long-time fan of DMC and I’ve had the DMC HD collection for almost a decade now and never finished DMC1, because every time I play it, it just feels like shit compared to what I’m used to from 3 onward. The biggest hurdles are the camera and the fact that lock-on always has to be mapped to RB/R1 (the shoulder buttons are just the worst buttons, the least comfortable to have to use regularly).