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Back in the 80s the rival university 15 miles away named their basketball arena after the governor who sent the national guard in and there were significant protests.
Jesus fuck this country has always idolized fascism hasn’t it?
the protests against the Vietnam War were always unpopular with a large segment of society who thought the primarily college student protestors were commie traitors and would have cheered to see them shot.
I always felt that it was the thought people had, but it’s another thing for armed forces to murder US citizens without a peep, then again I guess it’s just that I want to hope that some people aren’t just hateful soulless beings and can change
Apparently there was a rumor at the time that someone in the crowd had fired a hand gun at the national guard. That probably influenced initial responses.
I think a lot of people can be reformed even if they’re total assholes, at least to the point where they can participate in society. There’s a lot of stuff stacked against you from birth in the US - bad education, constant propaganda.
A lot of those people will change if we look like winning. Change material circumstances, and break false consciousness, and people’s moral horizons will shift, surprisingly easily.
Most people just live their lives and go with whatever seems best. Most political people are opportunists, looking for the position that will make them seem smart and cool. Most who aren’t either of those are edgelords with no theoretical backing.
Yep. It’s the James A Rhodes Arena on the campus of Rhe University of Akron if you want to look it up.