People feel powerless. Letting them know how fucked up our capitalist hell world is just makes them depressed and mad with you. “there’s no point caring about things you can’t change. All you’re doing is reminding me that everything is shit.”
So what do we do? How do talk about these things with people without destroying their hope? Do you just not talk about it? I don’t feel I’m ever helping anyone by dispelling imperial propaganda, it just makes them sad.
I try to focus on “wouldn’t it be better if [insert some socialist and or communist frame of thinking around a part of the persons life] were a thing.” I try to dispel the illusions of capitalism/neoliberalism/modernity with benefits of an alternative. That’s my entry point when talking to people. Maybe it’s my evangelical upbringing but I have found it easier to focus on the benefits of the new way of thinking rather than highlighting the negative of the current.