Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a 10 out of 10 game, and every game even Ocarina of time will have flaws.
I just felt some of the dungeons and repeat bosses made the game have some of that typical open world bloat.
Ibut they put careful effort into making something more interesting than that
But you see they didn’t. The interconnected world was due to a space limitation and not an actual design choice. That’s why not a single game after ds1 had that same quality. I’m upset that an aspect of the game I loved was completely unintentional and will never return to the series.
It’s like if Metroid only had the mapping that it did because the designer couldn’t load up more than a few rooms worth of assets at a time. Then Metroid II comes around and you realize that the cool mapping was not a deliberate design decision and feel sad.
It’s fine I think, a lot of cool and creative gimmicks in older games were done purely to compensate for lack of money and hardware resources