This started off as a good comic, but seems to have devolved into the writer’s complaints about modernity.
They usually always show Marx in a good light so I think they’re a comrade.
I follow their twitter (though I basically never check at all), and they definitely have some good takes. I think they probably are a communist. I just searched “@existentialcoms China” and the first few takes that showed up are all fine as are the most recent tweets they’ve had.
Really no way to talk about the modern use of stoicism and try to be funny without griping. Also, modern stoicism is so cringe it needs unlimited dunks.
modern stoics aren’t stoics the same way the guy selling you meditation techniques to more effectively telemarket isn’t a buddhist
Hard disagree. The comic is best suited for complaining about current trends because current trends are simple enough to poke fun of in comic format. The biggest problem with the comic is when it tries to introduce a philosopher or concept and dunk on them/it in the same comic, which is inevitably reductionist and a bad habit.
It was good when it showed philosophers arguing about things, showing their unique perspectives. It was funny and you learned something. Now it just seems like the author’s personal bitch session. Enough of those already, thanks.
Are you complaining about this comic strip in particular, or the comic as a whole?