who could’ve seen this coming
I hate how cucked Scandinavia is when it comes to the US.
"Hey, I need you Dutchies or whatever you freaks are, to install secret listening devices in high ranking government offices to, you know, catch the Russians. " :bougie-wink:
“Yes sir, of course sir, let me help you with that sir.” :bootlicker:
“Oh and we need you Norwegian fellas to plan and coordinate a covert strike on one of your allies’ infrastructure, who’s also our ally, in the coastal waters of two of your closest allies and neighbors, one of which has hella sensors in the area and and will definitely know. We’ll make it really fucking obvious too.” :biden-the-thing:
“Yes, please and thank you sir, will there be anything else? Do you want me to lower living standards again? Bust some unions?” :bootlicker: