do nukes even drop there in the lore? if its destroyed why would China waste their nukes there? it would be really cool to have a game set in an area without nuclear fallout (maybe Oklahoma) but is being conquered by the NCR which has become increasingly fascist after spreading east and colonizing. and you can side with the locals for liberation from the NCR
the lore is like, uninterrupted nuclear expansion & armament until 2077, like every inch of the US/China/Russia are saturated with nukes. that’s why its 100+ years before the first confederation of villages is created
like Europe wasn’t terribly involved buts that’s because they had their own nuclear war & collapse with the middle east iirc
oh damn. well in that case i want a fallout game set in the ruins of Prague or Guangzhou. ik “americana” is important for fallout’s aesthetic but it would be cool
Coastal elite neo-Marxists refuse to represent the heartland in my bibeo game!
A map of 2500 km^2 of just irradiated prairies with wild irradiated corn and sunflower.