I don’t even think I’d date a socdem anymore unless they’re on board with Under No Pretexts. A previous partner terrified me when I said “we might have to run the Canadian border at some point to escape Trump and his militias” and she refused to touch a gun then or learn how to safely handle one prior to needing to use it. Ideology isn’t a test of their opinions so much as it is a test of how they’ll respond to conditions, and as conditions worsen they’ll either tune out or become reactionary.
Y’all are making me feel lucky to live in a place where Berniecrats are the mainstream and it goes left from there.
That very much limits how far the relationship could go. Like I maybe could fuck a conservative in a threesome with someone I didn’t hate. A could bang a lib a few times before getting bored and leaving. (And have a few times, lol) But I don’t think I could go as far as living with someone and making them a large part of my life unless they were some kind of real leftist. I would never be able to let my guard down and be truly open if they weren’t.