That was true of the Vietnam war for years and it was true of the Iraq war for years. Even the Afghan war with the “justification” of revenge for 9-11 lost support.
Opposition to war is usually going to become the more popular policy the longer the war continues.
If you speak out today you’ll get some heat but in 5 years you’ll be able to point at how you stood for something that has become mainstream, and opposition to this war will likely become mainstream if it continues to drag on which appears likely.
So opposing the war today isn’t about getting an immediate cease fire. I mean, that would be great because that would end the human misery but of course that decision isn’t going to be made on the basis of popular protest. It’s out of our hands.
But what we can do is plant the flag. “If you oppose war, gather here.”
It really troubles me that opposition to this war is mostly coming from MGT and Tucker Carlson because they’ve planted their flag and the left hasn’t clearly planted theirs. Which means there’s only one very visible place for peaceniks to gather and it’s with the tea party which is a fucking tragedy.
If you are really that cynical and disparaging of the people of the US then just give up! There’s no point! This is not an appropriate or useful attitude for a communist.