I’m a dude, but I grew up with little sisters and kind of am void of piggish tendencies due to that I think, I realize women aren’t objects at least. Kink is kink and sexuality is sexuality, but I would assume women want to be able to post photos without some nasty ass dude or neckbeard in the comments section commenting about how fat her ass or boobs are or how they would “hit it”. Or walk down the street without some dog trying to hit on her.
I just saw something like this happen on twitter unfortunately and ive seen it life as well from some of friends who I tell to their faces they’re being pigs.
Yeah. They were awful, just they were awful in their own culturally specific ways. : )
What was their deal? I only know a little bit about the big palace and bull jumping.
they had society set up with interesting gender roles. women ran the priesthood, managed property, generally ran the economy.
men were soldiers, craftsmen, sailors, other hands on stuff. also sweet outfits and the women just went full tits out the palaces and royalty were later, if they ever existed, since they actually used a “palace economy” which was basically a society organized around a central storehouse that adminstrators (women) did equal redistribution of food, clothing, tools, etc.
basically early central planning with a touch of primitive communism. i suppose eventually the administrators became nobility by default after the island was hit with numerous disasters and lost social cohesion.q