The end of slavery should absolutely be labeled as the second bourgeois revolution in the US. The south was hardly different than other feudal systems before the agricultural revolution, it just was more of an olegarchy than one with a more concrete line of power like there is with a monarchy.
The civil war happened during an era before there was a meaningfully sized proletarian industrial base in the country. This isn’t to say there wasn’t any sort of working class base behind this, but it isn’t what drove the country into war. But I have read that there was some sense of shared struggle seen among confederate soldiers with the northern working class as they had relatively high defection rates as the children of aristocrats weren’t sent to war.
The civil war definitely had a basis in bourgeoise economic interests, but also white working class interests-in the grossest way-slaves drive down wages, opening up stolen land west to yeoman farmers instead of plantations…