haven’t been reading as much as i’d like to be reading atm, any recommendations would be cool, fiction or nonfic. on the fiction side of things, lately i’ve enjoyed Grapes of Wrath, The Metamorphosis, and Last Night at the Telegraph Club, but anything would be great.

on the non-fiction side, there’s a ton i need to read more about, but stuff about a past or present communist state/movement would be awesome(especially China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, USSR), or alternately something like the Jakarta Method. also queer theory or literature would be great

idk if this is the right comm actually, i can repost this elsewhere if i need to

edit: thanks all!

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Honestly I’ve been having a lot of fun reading the Great Chessboard by Zbignew Brzinsky (however the fuck you’re meant to spell his name). He was the brain genius behind Operation Cyclone, and thus can be seen to have had quite a large hand in the formation of Al Qaeda and subsequently 9/11. The book is hit outlining of American geopolitical strategy and he makes great note of the fact that if Europe and Asia begin working together, they will be able to rule the world and cut America out. Spends a lot of time talking about the World Island of Eurasia, and a lot of his predictions are definitely interesting to look at in hindsigt.
