“The Greater Idaho movement” :data-laughing:
Mike McCarter, center, has galvanized a coalition of 8 counties to secede from Oregon, moving into Idaho, where they would find more amenable politics.Courtesy of Greater Idaho, greateridaho.org.
The Greater Idaho movement seeks to redraw state boundaries so rural Oregon can join Idaho.
Idaho’s House voted in favor of exploring the move after 11 Oregon counties did the same.
Moving the state boundary would require the approval of Oregon, Idaho, and the U.S. Congress.
The Greater Idaho movement — a conservative effort to have eastern Oregon secede from the blue state and join Idaho — got a major nod of support last week from lawmakers in the red state.
most of the red counties in california (much like the red states) get much more back from Sacramento than they put in, they just can’t seem to understand why a county of 8,000 people shouldn’t get as much money as a county of 9.8 million and they’re still butthurt that california did away with the incredibly undemocratic state senate apportionment (apportioned by county) in the 1960s to something more democratic (population-based).