Robussy is confirmed
It is pretty clear that despite his accomplishments the Politburo fucking hates Sechenev and thinks he’s a disgusting amoral monster and dangerous lunatic. Molotov in particular is thoroughly sick of his shit by the beginning of the game.
I mean in terms of the timeline: you get a glimpse of Molotov chewing him out after you get back to the surface and it’s clear it’s been going on for a while by that point. I think there are other indications the Politburo had been fed up with the creepy mad scientist shit going on in the facility for a long time later too, including the revelation that
plot spoiler
Petrov was whistleblowing the shit going on in the facility to the Politburo, which is why Sechenev framed him for treason in the first place.
I’m not sure where it’s going from there, since I haven’t had a chance to keep playing after starting the drill mode and the long cutscenes that followed, but that’s the state of it in the early game at least.