Who could have predicted that the democrats were holding back footage showing their heckin’ brave sheepdog capitol cops escorting the q-anon shaman like his own personal guards
Jan. 6 completely flipped the narrative on police. The DEADLY attack on the capital because one officer tazed his own nutsack.
The guy who tazed his nuts was some Q boomer, not a cop. There was a cop that killed himself after, maybe a couple, and the one that got beaten and stabbed with a flag pole. There’s also the lady that got shot, also not a cop
There was a black capitol cop who
CW violence
committed suicide
after posting a very long video to youtube where he talks about being unable to trust other cops, etc. That video is gone from youtube and I’ve never seen it discussed in the media.
The lady who got shot was former airforce and had a police background. Definitely a Fed plant.
The ball tazing thing was completely made up and they attached it to a guy who didn’t even enter the capitol building and died of a heart attack across the street
Somebody did tase their balls, but it was unrelated to any deaths related to the event.