Like, since being converted to communism, and even before, when I read the banksy quote about how advertising has no right to be there in the first place. It’s astounding just how often money is tied into the human experience. We bring it up all the damn time, about what’s a smart way to spend money, what’s a not-smart way, “a fool and his money are soon parted,” there’s sayings about it. It’s just kinda depressing. Like, before I got converted, I remember, I would dream about all the cars I would buy if I won the lottery. How I wouldn’t be “dumb” like those other lottery winners and “waste it” on stupid stuff. I don’t know. Just stream-of-consciousness writing at this point.
now all I talk about with my friends is means of production.
but like… seriously… diy is cool.
a combination of watching russian people on youtube make every tool they have and realizing money is bullshit have really helped me get things done. No longer do I wait for a tool or part, I make it if I can and if I can’t, I need to figure out another solution.
and there’s nothing wrong with using Proud Union Worker Factory Made when homemade isn’t practical! (lol not sure if the “store bought is okay too!” message even comes through…)
But also, I really want to be able to get involved with makerspaces but my local one is kinda expensive, but the idea of folks getting together to have means to produce stuff and support for learning is so important.