Can’t build a decent car to save his life (compare a Tesla to a Merc W126 300SEL or any Toyota even)
Can’t post (terminally online, somehow still a terrible poster)
Doesn’t fuck unless there’s some weird power dynamic and/or a horse involved
Fucks up telescope images with his space junk
A physics degree doesn’t mean you’re intelligent, wise, or a good person (ask me how I know)
Daughter disowned him for good reason. She rules
Named his kid AE whatever the fuck (Musky should have been forcibly sterilised in Genshin Impact for this. We should have a list of allowed names like in France, Iceland, etc. don’t @ me)
Grimes’ post on R*ddit (big if true; definitely true and if not who cares it’s what he’s like)
Going to Mars is silly. Fix Earth first lmao
Blood Emeralds
Weird hog probably. Weird hog energy
(Incomplete) Reply with your reasons. I’ll add more as they occur to me.
I might PK him with a diamond sword if I ever saw him on my server. Maybe push him into a mob grinder