I don’t see any good future for my current country(India) due to many different problems.
I don’t have any motivation to continue living in this country and want to move to a developed country to have a decent Quality of Life at least. I am considering some countries in Europe because they align with what I want for a better QoL.
I am blacklisting war torn countries like the US. Also east Asia is lower priority because the work culture is as shit as India.
What country should I try to move to?
I live in Europe and am thinking about leaving because of the way things are going here. I’d at least recommend picking the right European country and not one of the wrong ones (e.g. UK)
How about France or Spain? I had Germany in mind previously but they committed economic suicide.
Germany has actual potential unlike the UK at least. But it’s too early to see if there’s a chance they’ll go back on the American simping. IDK, there’s no right answers IMO.
Germany has actual potential unlike the UK at least.
You severely overestimate Germany.
I had Germany in mind previously but they committed economic suicide.
Not really. Things are on a downturn, but it is hardly catastrophic. Beyond prices going up, not much has changed. Unemployment rose lightly, but it is still low.
Maybe things will turn for the worse in a few years (such as the 2008 crisis in Italy began to be felt strongly around 2011 from my experience), but for now it’s still probably a safe bet. Just do not expect El Dorado and know that the period of learning the language, getting used to the bureaucracy, etc. is rough.
If Germany goes down, france and spain will as well lol. Maybe like Switzerland or Ireland?
Switzerland has had the far-right in power for the last 20 years.
It’s unlikely they’ll go authoritarian, but you can certainly expect lots of racism, traditionalism, sexism, harassment, etc. from the locals.
Otoh, 25% of the population are immigrants, so odds are you’d stick around them.