I don’t see any good future for my current country(India) due to many different problems.
I don’t have any motivation to continue living in this country and want to move to a developed country to have a decent Quality of Life at least. I am considering some countries in Europe because they align with what I want for a better QoL.
I am blacklisting war torn countries like the US. Also east Asia is lower priority because the work culture is as shit as India.
What country should I try to move to?
You just saved us all from having to read the classic 1954 informative book “How to lie with statistics”.
God preserve us from the *maths some math* .00008% chance of being murdered in the US every year.
I’m just basing it off this, if you have reason to say these statistics are wrong I’ll hear it out though
Germany - 0.0000093% chance of being murdered every year
USA - .00008%
It’s a bigger number, but it’s still a very small number.
I think you mathed wrong and added a couple zeroes, it’s 6.5/100k which is 0.0065%
% chance of being murdered every year: 0.0065% for Americans, 0.0008% for Germans
In easier to read numbers: 1 in ~15,000 Americans killed a year, 1 in 125,000 Germans killed a year
Your chances of being killed across 70 years: 1 in 220 Americans, 1 in 1785 Germans
So there’s about a half a percent chance the average American will be murdered in their life
If you still think that’s something we should trivialize, think about the chance of knowing someone that got murdered. Let’s say the average person has 20 close or relatively close friends/family members throughout their life: 1 in 11 Americans will know someone relatively close that got murdered in their life, compared to 1 in 90 Germans
I know someone who’s had a couple friends killed, it’s something that would shock white people who grew up in relatively decent areas. Ofc I don’t agree with how the media fear mongers crime rates, because their only solution is to either bring more cops in or take guns away from marginalized people, but you can’t deny crime is bad in many parts of the country. The American state loves to perpetuate crime in poor and black communities.