2257, baby! Reddit and imgur are both Secondary providers Producers as are their users. Strange the DOJ has never cared. :thinkin-lenin:
I mean a lot of Reddit porn is no longer a secondary provider thing, lots of people create Reddit accounts to post nude images of themselves and nothing else. The images are either hosted on Reddit themselves or Imgur.
Wait, sorry, it’s Secondary Producer, not provider. Secondary Producer is actually a legal term under 2257 that indicates their role as a host obligates them to keep certain identification on hand of all models pictured in the porn. The same goes for the people who share the images, even if they’re not the creators of the image. It’s a fucked law that’s gone in an out of limbo since it’s inception.
The first part of that law sounds good, the second part about sharing the images sounds pretty messed up. But Reddit or Imgur implementing proper verification processes to obtain such documentation would be a public admission that they are a porn site on some level, which would also be terrible for investors. So I guess that’s why they’re going to try ban all porn before Reddit goes public. Like Tumblr all over again.