Whenever I see reddit preppers talking about their preparation for when “shit hits the fan”, I can’t help but notice they seem to think they’ll survive on their little homestead either alone or with their nuclear family. They don’t seem too worried about the threat of civilization collapsing, they’re just excited that they’ll get the chance to larp as lords ruling over their lands.
But without any kind of community organization or serious wealth to hire a private militia, aren’t they just as fucked as the rest of us? Like, these people are going to be the very first targets of roving bands of raiders no matter how many tacticool, tricked out AR-15s they own, right?
The best prepping is knowledge and community. Doomsday prep isn’t really a thing for me so much as night of the long knives 2.0 prep. From where I am, the climate wars are whatever are gonna be the last to hit but right wing death squads under this sort of higher tension feels way more likely than whatever people consider to be their doomsday scenario.