Edit Fuck I’m feeling like 🐀 boy pete, I have been humbled and realize I really need to get back to basics. I’ll probably leave this up to remind myself I need to practice and for others to learn from my shame.
So I took French in high school because I thought it would help me with the ladies. Spoiler I never got the courage to try. Anyway I want to practice my French for non horny reasons and was wondering if y’all could throw some leftist pdfs my way so I could practice and try reading theory at the same time. I know that green owl app exists but I never really learn from those things. Also would love it y’all could recommend some good leftist podcasts in French. I can somewhat speak it and read it with my French to English dictionary on hand. I know I’m probably asking for a lot but would appreciate it. With the state of everything I want to throw myself into learning something to avoid being a doomer.
Yeah I guess your right, guess my ambition got ahead of me. I was struggling just now both because of my memory and autocorrect to try to respond to someone.