:up-yours-woke-moralists: the answer is “yes”
I felt like reassuring people this kind of shit is not as popular as these guys want it to be.
The right wing culture war can go running off the cliff like wile e coyote with this and the trans stuff. I don’t think they can actually get people that worked up about it any more.
The states torpedoing anti-child marriage laws and passing anti-transitioning laws still have a majority of people who think this kind of behavior is disgusting. And I guarantee you they love their curvy wives very much.
Upon rereading the Nypost article I realize this is bait for these kind of comments and they’re still getting ratio’d.
I understand your intent but starting off with something similar to “imagine losing faith over this” comes off as dismissive rather then reassuring. Just pointing out the fact that the right really needs twitter blue to give this sort of campaign any punch rather then ridiculing the idea of caring about this (especially since well, they do still actually have that advantage) would’ve probably been more helpful in accomplishing your goal.