Just saying because nearly every person I know who has ADHD and/or Autism (including myself) seems to care less about people knowing they’re into “childish” things.
Also the idea that this is a new phenomenon because Millenials and older gen Z are “soft” or stunted in some way.
I mean, boomers have model trains and and cars. So did their parents. My grandma used to knit herself plushies. This isn’t new. You don’t suddenly stop having your old likes because you reach a certain age.
Mr. Owl, I respect you a lot, but I also respected Richard Stallman a lot when he tried to drag autistic people into his insistence on defending his colleague for saying child prostitution was OK (both in an MIT mailing list with all their students in it), justifying that he was more prone to ignoring social cues.
Personally I consider him an adult who knew exactly what he was doing and how he could wriggle his way out of being banished from the FSF, etcetera.
Now of course, you saying that being a Disney adult is neurodivergent-coded or something is not half as bad as implying that announcing Jeffrey Epstein did nothing wrong via Reply All is neurodivergent-coded. But I resent your post getting so much more engagement than my article about the SOVIET WOMAN📢 who discovered autism. 😂
Owl was saying they like disney that’s like comparing apples to child prostitution
Oh no, I don’t like Disney. I was just using it as an example because I’m an idiot that didn’t understand what the term was really about and now I’m too scared to edit my post and look like a backpeddling weenie. :ooooooooooooooh:
I don’t think you’re an idiot and if I can’t easily explain the difference between an autistic fixation on Disney and a consumerist obsession, there’s no reason to scold anyone. Not like there isn’t crossover. It’s an interesting question and you’re just concerned people are being mean.
I write incredibly bizarre things on this website while walking three hours through the dark on a bike path.
It is a bizarre comment I will admit.
I have given myself too much homework on this website already like the Marianne Williamson Evil Grifter and US-Mexico Fentanyl Cassus Belli thing to explain the difference between the Religion That Is Disney and a special interest in Disney rn but I’ve seen cases of both.