The dairy industry is the meat industry so that is no excuse.
Uh oh here comes “lifestyle-ism.” In that case if you live in the west then that’s no excuse. You contribute in one way or another to the system so “no excuse”
I feel like you’ve forgotten your own previous point and are now just doing mental gymnastics.
I was responding to someone who accused me of eating meat. That in no way detracts from my point about lifestyle-ism. Jesus I’m dealing with some Ben-Shapiro level sophistry here. smfh
No, you were responding to this: “there is no hope arguing it because your argument is “i want to kill animals and not feel bad about it””
It says nothing about eating meat. It was actually you who injected that idea, as part of referring to yourself as vegetarian. I then pointed out that vegetarianism does not free you from participating in the killing of animals. It’s just another facet of the same integrated process.
You’re putting me in the position to explain the basic context and meaning of conversations you’re in. Simultaneously you’re exaggerating to flippantly dismiss me and others. Do you think it’s possible you’re caught up for reasons other than “debate” or a commitment to accuracy and shared knowledge?