The New Guinea crocodile (Crocodylus novaeguineae ) is a small species of crocodile found on the island of New Guinea north of the mountain ridge that runs along the centre of the island. The population found south of the mountain ridge, formerly considered a genetically distinct population, is now considered a distinct species, Hall’s New Guinea crocodile (C. halli ). In the past it included the Philippine crocodile, C. n. mindorensis, as a subspecies, but today they are regarded as separate species. The habitat of the New Guinea crocodile is mostly freshwater swamps and lakes. It is most active at night when it feeds on fish and a range of other small animals. A female crocodile lays a clutch of eggs in a nest composed of vegetation and she lies up nearby to guard the nest. There is some degree of parental care for newly hatched juveniles. This crocodile was over-hunted for its valuable skin in the mid 20th century, but conservation measures have since been put in place, it is reared in ranches and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists it as being of “Least Concern”.


The New Guinea crocodile is a small species of crocodile found on the island of New Guinea. It is grey to brown in color, with darker bandings on the tail and body which become less noticeable as the animal grows. Longitudinal ridges in front of the eyes and some granular scales on the back of the neck between four large scales are distinctive features of this species. The snout is pointed and relatively narrow during juvenile stages and becomes wider as the animal matures.

Habits and Lifestyle

New Guinea crocodiles have a mostly aquatic lifestyle and are largely nocturnal. They spend much of the day underwater, often with their nostrils and eyes above the surface. Powerful side-to-side movements of their tails propel them through the water and they use both tail and legs to steer. When on land, they favor shady, dense areas of undergrowth. They tend to bask in a group during the day, dispersing at night to feed. These crocodiles catch their prey by stealth with a flick of their head, impaling it with their sharp teeth and gripping and crushing it. They are surprisingly agile and can lunge their body upward into the air to catch bats, flying birds, and leaping fish. They can also probe into the mud at the bottom of a river or swamp with their snout to search for crabs and mollusks. New Guinea crocodiles use various vocalizations to communicate with each other. An adult female can produce a repeated throaty “roar” when approached by another adult. The young start communicating with each other while still in the egg; this may help synchronize hatching. Newly hatched juveniles use various yelps and grunts. When startled, a warning sound emitted by one will send all the juveniles diving to the bottom of the water. Adults in the vicinity respond with growls, threats, and attacks.

Diet and Nutrition

New Guinea crocodiles are carnivores. Adult feed largely on fish, shrimps, crabs, frogs, snakes, birds, and medium-sized mammals. Newly hatched crocodiles feed on aquatic insects, spiders, tadpoles, freshwater snails, frogs, fish, and small mammals.

Population threats

The New Guinea crocodile was over-hunted for its valuable skin in the mid 20th century and some eggs and hatchlings are still removed from the nest and raised in enclosures.

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