Enjoy what’s left of IRL
I think it will have the opposite effect. They just remodeled my local McDonald’s. No Soda machine. Now you have to beg for refills. It’s not the first McDonald’s I’ve seen this happen to this year. It’s a worrying trend, and basically the main reason for the local youth to go there instead of Chikfila.
Sure, this one detail is meaningless by itself, but it’s the 1000s of relentless degrading of IRL that are happening across the board, now you have to be diligent about every good experience you remember in the past being replaced with shittier ones in random unpredictable ways. And everything costs 20% more now on top of that.
The stress of this leads to one thing: why should I even bother going outside?
The stress of this leads to one thing: why should I even bother going outside?
that’s called depression
speaking suburban hangout staples being stripped of any semblance of joy, i got a report from a friend that malls aren’t letting anyone < 18 in without an adult after certain hours in their town. Not that hanging out at the mall was really a thing in the past maybe decade(?) but now it seems like it’s really gone
They just remodeled my local McDonald’s. No Soda machine. Now you have to beg for refills. It’s not the first McDonald’s I’ve seen this happen to this year.
Weird with so many other fast food places leaning into the Coca-Cola multiverse of flavors machine.
Depends what ZIP code OP lives in. I notice a significant difference in the way the same brand will treat it’s customers in my area vs. other parts of town like where I grew up. Poorer areas are treated like children or criminals by default.
Coca-Cola multiverse of flavors machine
I’m pretty sure those things have RFID chip readers to monitor and limit your number of refills. I’m only hedging because it’s been so long since I ate in one of those dining rooms