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I read the last books of the wheel of time and the quality went to shit once sanderson took over.
And thats considering that nothing really happens in the miidle books by jordan.
But it was clear sanderson sturgled with charachterizations and plot settings. In the last battle the series was building towards the bast he can do is " the make a line and sit there". When in the last jordan book we get much more interesting battles.
And dont even get me started on mat’s character.
Also not to sound like a nerd but while jordans prose was clunky it had a certain charm. Sandersons was plain.
So i was never interested in him or his books. I have the impresion that he is bland. Anfd that he cant deal with even mildly interesting charachters or stettings. And it always annoys me when the stormfronters recomend him.
I’m a huge WoT fan (well, the first 7 books really) but I think you’d be surprised by how much of the last 3 books were actually written by RJ and not BS. Jordan was basically bedbound and still trying to write, and I think it shows; and Harriet didn’t have the heart to edit him as hard as she should have. For example all the prologues, that were roundly panned as a “change in tone” and “clearly writen by Sanderson” were all RJ, turns out.
Which is to say I don’t think we can put it all on Sando, even though I do agree that a lot of the bits we know we’re him (everything with Androl lol) were not up to the prose of the rest of the series. And I totally feel you on the Mat parts though, BS wrote a lot of those, and really did him dirty.
Weirdly the cut material with Demanded in Shara (River of Souls or whatever) was actually probably the best piece that BS wrote for the whole series and Harriet cut it lmao
Man. Hearing about that is just really sad. Poor jordan. That is dedication.
That being said im still not very interested is bs.