After I saw the tweets - I googled. The top result was all I needed to see.
More googling…
A Newsweek Inc Deputy Editor’s compensation ranges from $79,311 to $100,874,
i think that gives way too much credit to the stated aims of the 80s vigilante fantasy. compare the real case of Bernie Goetz, who used an illegal firearm to murder 4 black men who were supposedly robbing him on the New York subway. He was a documented racist, but he became a folk hero, because he did what thousands of middle class whites felt they could not: he cleaned up the social refuse
I lived in NYC when Goetz committed those murders. A lot of people were disgusted and revolted by him. Both locally and nationally.
I could be wrong. It’s impossible to know. I was a different person. I was a liberal. And it’s not only is it a different era in time. Technology has changed everything. The net was a non-entity so everyone’s world - including my own - was smaller.
Like anybody unaware - I consumed a lot of propaganda then without knowing it. My hunch is that if the net and social media had existed then - people who supported Goetz would be ridiculed and humiliated. Of course some Death Wish fantasists were liberals. But I doubt they’d voice those opinions in public.
There’s been a huge lurch to the right in the decades since. Going more and more mask off has become more acceptable. I won’t be surprised if some right-wing turd on the NYT staff (or guest columnist) writes a not-so-veiled op-ed with the gist being “people have a right to feel safe in public” and the text basically intimates that the death of a homeless person isn’t that big a deal.
Also - if the murderer is smart - he’ll set up a Gofundme and let right-wing media outlets know about. I bet he could easily raise a 100,000 (if not more) within the next few weeks.
Giving money and aid to murderer was wholly unacceptable in the 1980s. But it sure okay now to a huge percentage of Americans.