Are there other hobbyists that literally go out of their way to shoot themselves in the foot every chance they get? It’s legit baffling.
I asked my brother (he plays 40k) why the players don’t just use tokens and apparently official gaming places won’t allow them and most of the players (who did actually buy them) won’t play against players using tokens.
people hate prints too. but i hate those evil bastards and if they try to pick up my minis to weigh them and feel if they are fake i pull out my :the-doohickey: for violating my rights as an esteemed owner of super special plastic toy soldiers
also its funny. i pointed to my whole necron army once and said ‘half are gw and half are printed, figure out which ones’. and the guy made this big show moutfeeling my models and claiming which ones were GW and which were printed, and then i told him they were all printed and i played them at many tournaments without even the official gw representatives from the UK noticing :troll:
There are, and it’s very funny because the game really is pretty poorly designed and can’t be that competitive. GW themselves have said in the past that they make cool minis (:citations-needed:) first and rules second.
Not played in years but tokens kinda make scenery pointless back when I did. You needed to know if the model was in full, partial or no cover and hit rolls were based on that. A lot of my tactical play invovled popping out from behind trees and taking fortified areas. Rules might have changed tho idk
Tbh if you wanted to play 40k without using minis you should probably just play it on Tabletop Sim. Not to mention most people enjoy the hobby part of building and painting their little army men. Proxies are pretty frequently accepted, though to what degree varies group by group.