Are there other hobbyists that literally go out of their way to shoot themselves in the foot every chance they get? It’s legit baffling.
There are, and it’s very funny because the game really is pretty poorly designed and can’t be that competitive. GW themselves have said in the past that they make cool minis (:citations-needed:) first and rules second.
oh but this next edition will be the one we promise give us your money paypig
IIRC the Index Period of 8th was actually pretty decent balance-wise, so we might get lucky and see a repeat, but it will inevitably go to shit once they start printing codices.
its pretty unbalanced, i find it fun though. top meta armies have 60% winrates at times which in a competitive video game would be generally unacceptable for any balance team.
Oh I find it fun, but as someone who enjoys “casual competitive” (using matched play or tempest rules, but not super meta lists) it can really struggle. This is made much worse when the game is only even remotely balanced at 2k unless someone deliberately nerfs their own list, which means you need quite the investment of time and money to actually be able to play the “proper game”.
Also stratagems are bad.