Alright libs, time for the ultimate struggle session: is Mars Attacks! good or bad?
It’s good and if you disagree you’re going in the :gulag: for film revisionism
Maybe all he references to 50s and 60s science fiction and, well, 90s politics are just too remote now?
The uncanny weirdness of it all is very deliberate and, in retrospect, I think is supposed to be making fun of the Clinton Admin liberals being ineffectual liberals.
Its… an interesting watch but it’s also janky as hell. The editing is weird, most of the comedy doesn’t land, there really isn’t much of a story to tie all the comedy vignettes together, and there’s some dated cultural references.
That’s…friggen intentional! It’s supposed to be an off, unsettling movie! The trading cards it’s based on were off and unsettling. If that’s how you felt then the movie did its job!
That’s really the problem. The comedic timing was terrible, there was no structure or thematic arcs holding it together. It didn’t know what it wanted to be, it didn’t commit hard enough to being a political or social satire or slapstick comedy or horror.