this is what kills the harm reduction argument to me. i hope incompetent imperialism continues until america can be destroyed
Here’s what I’m having a hard time working out.
It’s not like the imperial war machine is run by one guy the same way a hot dog stand is. Yes Trump is a dumb ass but did he replace EVERYONE at the Pentagon with dumb asses as well? I always figured it didn’t matter who was POTUS, Gloria LaRivera could fucking win and the war machine would march on, but nah apparently the POTUS is an important enough position that one dumb enough guy filling it can throw a wrench into things.
What we have with imperialism in the US is not a collective hivemind. It’s several members of the ruling class all pushing for their own agendas with these wars, as they are connected with the fossil fuel industries and private war industry. It’s not as simple as it seems.
Trump is still managing to push the war machine despite some of the decisions that make some of them pissy. We still have an insanely bloated military budget and the war industry hasn’t really been cut down.