text from Terry Pratchett; art by Higgs who's tumblr i've linked
i can’t rember which book this is from – i wanna say it’s Men at Arms but it could even be Guards Guards. Higgs seems to think it’s Night Watch, but I’m pretty sure it happened before that…
in the post here
I agree that the example is rather idealized. I think the benefit of the Boots Theory is getting the idea in people’s heads, encouraging them to think about how expenses and money can change with class. A difference in scale becomes a difference in kind, and it’s easier to notice that when you’ve already got a simple example you can easily wrap your head around.
An excellent real round-world example would be a rent vs. mortgage. After 10 years, your typical renter has spent more on housing than they would have on a mortgage, and they’re no closer to owning a home.