Persecuted for being to much of a cool guy
(Special mention for Mr Coomer over here)
For the record I support drug legalisation, but I don’t support the kind of economic apartheid of one rule for the rich and another for everyone else.
No, see, Hunter Biden is based because he’s rich & can do whatever he wants, and makes chuds mad when doing so. If you’re broke & never get to have any fun, you just need to learn that that’s your lot in life & deal with it, or kill yourself.
Do Democrats think that? I thought that was just our/The Dirtbag Left’s running gag about Hunter being a cool guy.
Yeah because there’s nothing to find funny here. Rich American “son of the president” nepotism guy, that was involved in corruption scandals in Ukraine leading up to the largest peer military conflict of the 21st century, being involved in sex crimes is not a joke.